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Car customers taxi tuk-tuk kabetbongtao cut its head bleeding rescue

Banteay: A man's car customers are tuk-tuk cut 2 bongtao head bleeding kaklak conflict words. This incident occurred at about 7 pm on 1 February: 2016 in front of the former: the old train station located in Poipet town and district, Banteay Meanchey province.

The cops said that the victim was willing effective male, 38 years old accommodation village Chrov Poipet commune are suspects yet identified cutting 2 kabetbongtao head, causing bleeding watered already been authorities and competent down intervention summoned ambulances transported to a hospital referral Poipet.

 Before the scene, they saw the suspect and the victim arguing very violent knife struck the victim causing bleeding for injuries.

After the scene, the suspect ran away but the police identified the suspect and fingers grab conviction.

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